Upgrading To 2.10.0 From 2.9.*
Please read the changelog for detail about the changes, this will help you to decide if you really need to upgrade or not.
To upgrade to the 2.10.0 From 2.9.* please follow these steps:
Step 1: Download the files and extract on your local computer.
Step 2: Set your marketplace in maintenance mode, so that visitor doesn’t get any errors or see sensitive system information.
Step 3: Take a backup of your database and the project files(current running script). So that you can get back to the old version if having issues with the new one.
Step 4: Replace only these directories and files [Dont touch other files/directories] with the newly downloaded one:
- app
- bootstrap
- config
- database
- public (The default theme has changes that need to update)
- resources
- routes
- vendor
- composer.json
- composer.lock
- package.json
Step 5: Check the permissions as described in the installation guide.
Step 6: Skip this step if you don’t have any plugins.
Updated plugin list for this version: Ajax Search Autocomplete, Packaging, Onecheckout, Comparison, Local Subscription, Google Analytics, Flutterwave, Wallet
Then run this command on your project root.
composer dumpautoload
Step 7: Login as superadmin and access your-domain.com/admin/incevio/upgrade
Or open the command line and cd into the project root. Then run these commands:
php artisan migrate;
php artisan route:clear;
Step 8: Now turn off the maintenance mode and you’re done.