
Invoice Settings >= V-2.0.6

The system has a built-in PDF library to generate beautiful invoices for purchases made on the platform. Customers can download the order invoices from their order detail page. You can configure your preferences for invoices like the Title, paper size, and color, etc.

The platform is all set to generate nicely formatted invoices without any configuration needed. To set your own preferences please open the config/invoice.php file and change the default settings.

The default configuration:

    | Title
    | Keep it empty to use the default title 'Invoice' that comes from language file.

    'title' => '',

    | Color
    | Set primary color in hex

    'color' => '#007fff',

    | Document size
    | Supported document size values are A4, letter, legal

    'size' => 'A4',

By default, the system uses paper size A4 and and title Invoice. You can also set the invoice color here, use hexadecimal color code.

TIPs: Keep the title empty to use to allow the script to pick the title from the translated file.


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