System Requirements

System Requirements

The application has a few system(software and hardware) requirements. All the listed requirements are mandatory, so you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements before you start the installation process.

Rather let us take the headache and do the installation for you. By this time you go and grab a cup of coffee, play with your pet or spend some quality time with your family. Check all our Paid Services Here



It is recommended to host this application at least on a VPS server. Though you can host zCart on almost any server, most of the shared servers will not allow you to configure some required settings. With limited control, you will not be able to get the full performance from zCart application. We do not recommend using shared hosting to host this script.

TIPS! We love Digital Ocean! A simple, powerful but not expensive VPS platform (Only $5/month! Cheaper than most shared hosting packages). Using this link you will get some credit to start with.

If you are more comfortable with cPanel-based hosting go for Hostinger or Namecheap VPS. They have competitive pricing with good support.


Recommended Hosting Services:

You’re free to get the hosting from any provider. If you’re not sure here are some recommendations for you to start with.

  1. Hostinger (Choose Between Cloud or VPS Hosting)
  2. Namecheap (Choose a VPS or Dedicated Server)
  3. Digital Ocean (Start with a VMs of 2 GiB-1 vCPU)
  • Make sure you’ve sudo privilege on the server and access to command line tool and also have full access to the MySQL database.
  •  Your server needs to have a static IP for this application. So please have a server with a fixed IP address. You can change the IP anytime later.


SSL Certificate

Having an SSL certificate is highly recommended for your domain. Some third-party APIs in zCart scrip will require an SSL certificate for secure communication. An SSL certificate will give your marketplace a security layer and also visitors will trust your brand more. There are lots of providers out there, get one from your favorite provider, and also you can buy your SSL from here.

PHP & Extensions

  • PHP version 8.1
  • OpenSSL
  • MySQLi
  • sqlite3
  • PDO_sqlite
  • PDO
  • SQLite
  • Mbstring
  • Tokenizer
  • XML
  • Ctype
  • JSON
  • cURL
  • Fileinfo
  • ZipArchive
  • exif
  • GD
  • pcntl
  • memchached


Enable symlink

Your server must have enabled symlink. Ask your server admin or service provider if you’re not sure about it. Below are example how you can enable symlink on WHM and cPanel based server:

Enable symlink on WHM

Enable symlink on WHM

Enable symlink on cPanel

Enable symlink on cPanel



zCart need redis for some internal usecase. So make sure your server has redis setup. The below command can install redis on your server.

sudo apt-get install redis-server



  • Be sure to enable the mod_rewrite module so the .htaccess file will be honored by the server.
  • If you’re using shared hosting(not recommended) be sure the symlink() function is enabled on our server. Some shared servers disable this function.


  • Be sure to enable the mod_rewrite module so the .htaccess file will be honored by the server.
  • If you’re using shared hosting(not recommended) be sure the symlink() function is enabled on our server. Some shared servers disable this function.


Nginx (Only if you are using the Nginx server)

  • Set the proxy_read_timeout 150; and fastcgi_read_timeout 150; to Nginx config


  • MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.3.0+ is required.
Help! If you don’t know your MySQL/MariaDB server version, this article will help you to find out.


Configuration ( php.ini )

post_max_size=512M or more
upload_max_filesize=512M or more
max_execution_time=300 or more


After uploading the zCart to your server, you may need to configure some permissions. Firstly set all your directory’s permission to 755 and files to 644 to protect your application from common security issues.

But, some directories must be writable by your web server to manage the application. So you need to allow your web server user to have full access to these directories.

So, set permission 775 the below directories:

  • storage
  • storage/logs
  • storage/framework
  • bootstrap/cache
  • vendor
Help! Check the “How To” section of this documentation, this article will help you to set the right permissions.


Document Root

When you visit a website, you are accessing a particular folder on a web server. For example, when you visit, the server is pulling up the files at: /home/USERNAME/public_html. The web server only serves the files located in that folder to incoming visitors. The location of that web folder is called the “document root”  and is set by the Apache configuration.

Now you need to configure your server/domain’s document root to the /path/to/your/zCart/public directory of your project. The index.php inside of the public directory serves as the front controller for all HTTP requests entering your application.

HELP! If you need any help, Check the How To section in the doc navigation.


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