Multilingual Support

Multilingual Support

The script comes with multi-lingual support system, The system uses file-based translation to keep things easy to manage. You can translate the whole platform (back-office and front-end) into any language. We already translated (the storefront only) a few languages for you and its pre packed with the script, ready to use. Please find the list below:

  1. English
  2. Persian
  3. Bangali
  4. Spanish

Add a New Language

The default platform language is English and we made all strings nicely organise for English, so you can use this language files as reference point to translate your language.

To translate to a new language you have to follow these steps:

Step 1: Translate Language Strings.

All the language files are in /path/to/your/zCart/resources/lang/ directory.

zCart Marketplace Translation Files

zCart Marketplace Translation Files

Please copy the default en directory and rename it to the language shortcode (Example: en for the English, fa for Persian). Then open each file in the directory and make the translation. You only need to translate the right side of each line, don’t touch the left side of this => symbol.

Warning! Don’t translate variables. Variables are looks like this :variable.
Example: The string “:value/Day” will be “:value/Dia” not “:valor/Dia” in Spanish and “Last :hrs hours” will be “Ultimo :hrs horas” not “Ultimo :hora horas”.


We also can help to translate to your languages. Get Translation Service


Step 2: Activate The New Language.

After completing the translations, you can add the language to make it available to use. Manage all your languages from here.

Add New Language

The add language form will look like this.

You need to set all the necessary information for the language. The CODE and the PHP LOCALE CODE is the most important information to make the language works.

— Find the complete list of codes here.
— Find the complete list of PHP locale list here.
— If the language is RTL(right to left) type language then select the RTL.
— Select activate to show this language.

Warning! The PHP LOCALE CODE must to be avalid one and the CODE have to be exact match with the original translated local directory name. Example: for English the code is en. You’ll find the directory in your project at resources/lang/


Set The Default Language

The default language is English but you can set the default language from your admin dashboard.

Admin Dashboard>> Settings>> system Settings

Set Default Language
Note: The system will show you only the active languages. You can control all languages from the SETTINGS>>LANGUAGES section.

The Storefront View

If you have more than one active language then visitors will see the language dropdown option on the marketplace front-end. See the below image.

zCart Language Select 

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