

Versioning Scheme:

App versioning scheme maintains the following convention: paradigm.major.minor

Minor Release: Minor releases should never contain breaking changes. This release may contain app end bug fixes, UI issue fixes, minor improvements, and new features. These changes will not require updating the server and API end code.

Major Release: Major releases may include breaking changes sometimes. It will require upgrading the server end code before starting the process. A major release may contain new features, third-party API upgrades, bug fixes, changes in zCart web modules, etc.

Paradigm Shifting Releases: Paradigm-shifting releases do include breaking changes and may represent fundamental shifts in the architecture and conventions. It will require upgrading the server end code before starting the process.

However, we strive to always ensure you may update to a new major release without having much trouble.

Indexing:: (Meaning of symbols on the left side)
‘+’ Added
‘*’ Fixed
‘=‘ Improved
‘-’ Removed
‘!’ Info/Warning

Version 1.1.0 (24th December 2023)

+ Push notifications
+ History Management
+ Complete order using QR code and OTP
+ Rating and Reviews
* Profile update issue fixed

Version 1.0.2 (29th August 2023)

! Compatible with zCart 2.10.0
! Compatible with latest version of Flutter 3.13.0

Version 1.0.0 (24 February 2022)

! Compatible with zCart 2.5.0
+ Initial release

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