

The product module is the main module in the catalog section with a whole lot of options to play with. The product is mainly the generic item description and some set of rules to help merchants to add listings of the products. A product can have an unlimited listing by different merchants. If you deactivate the product here, all listings of the product will be offline from the storefront.

You can also allow merchants to add a product to the catalog if you want.


Info! Products added by a merchant can be deleted by the merchant only if no listing exist on the product.





Catalog Rules

You can set if the product can be added with multiple variants, need to ship the physical item or not. You also set price boundaries for an item so that merchant must have to set a price between this limits to list the item to their inventory. This’ll help to keep your marketplace from unrealistic listings or frauds.




Product Images

You can upload multiple images and a featured image when creating a product. The images will only be visible to the storefront is the vendor listing has no image to display. Otherwise no need to upload images with a product. Just a featured image will be ok, this will help vendors to find the item easily when they create listing for their store.



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